On the verge of or already navigating Retirement.
During Pre-Retirement, the concern was the Accumulation Rate or how fast you could accumulate money.
But in Retirement, the concern now becomes the Distribution Rate, or how fast you can distribute money from Retirement assets without the fear of running out of money.
We Work Best With Retirees Who Have:
- An Annual Income of $150K+ or Net Worth of $1mil+
- A commitment to saving/investing
- A desire to leave a legacy, whether to family or charity
Determining the Distribution Rate is made even more difficult due to the following risks:
- Longevity- living longer than expected and running of money.
- Fluctuating Market & Interest Rates- the actual rate of return on assets during Retirement is less than expected.
Does this sound like you?
Explore what working together and contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Our clients choose the plan that will not only provide comfort at the start of Retirement but for the duration of their life and the surviving spouse.
We Consider 3 Functions of Assets in Retirement:
Income, Liquidity & Legacy
Usually satisfied first because it creates Retirement Lifestyle. The following assets are often identified as available to satisfy the desired income:
- Stocks
- Bonds
- Mutual Funds
- ETF’s
- Deferred Comp
- 401k’s
- Profit Sharing Plans
- IRA’s
- Simple IRA’s
- SEP’s
- Roth IRA’s
- Cash Balance Plans
- Real Estate
- Sale of Business
- Private Equity
- Life Insurance Cash Value
- Income Streams from Pensions, Social Security or Income Annuities
- Etc.
Any asset that is not being used to generate income.
Assets (that have not been utilized for income or liquidity) remaining after both spouses pass away. These can be passed on to heirs or a desired charity.
The following are just some of the topics that we discuss and how they can impact Retirement Distributions:
- The 4% Rule - Can you safely withdraw 4% every year in retirement without the fear of running out of money?
- Monte Carlo Simulation - How much can you safely withdraw without the fear of running out of money?
- Sequence of Returns - If the market declines, particularly at the beginning of retirement, will you have to reduce your income and retirement lifestyle?
Watch the video above to understand how a holistic approach to retirement can benefit you.
How Rick and Sarah Solved Their Retirement Savings & Income Dilemma
I’m Rick, and my wife is Sarah. With $2.5M in retirement assets and an income of $183K, we dreamed of escaping our hectic Front Range existence for a quieter mountain lifestyle. When we contacted Rocky Mountain Financial Services, I had already retired and was collecting pension and social security. Sarah was still working. If Sarah was to retire and start social security, we would still need an additional $63K to reproduce our current income of $183K and maintain our lifestyle.
We were not sure if we could withdraw $63K each year for both of our lifetimes from the $2.5M in retirement assets, without the fear of running out of money. If the market declined during retirement, we were concerned that we may have to reduce the $63K withdrawal and adjust our lifestyle. Furthermore, we wanted to use some of our retirement assets for travel, purchase of a mountain home, and other contingencies. But we were hesitant to dip into these assets because they may be needed for income during retirement.
Rocky Mountain Financial Services presented the advantages and disadvantages of several retirement income strategies. After careful consideration, they designed a plan that was structured to generate $63K annually, which when combined with my pension and our social security reproduced our current income of $183K. Not only could Sarah now retire, but we even had enough liquid funds available to purchase our mountain home, travel, and cover other contingencies. We finally had a retirement income plan that addressed our concerns and allowed us to retire with the lifestyle that we were accustomed to.
*This story reflects the real-life experience of current clients. Names and some details have been changed to protect the clients’ identity. Since everyone’s situation is unique, available options and results will vary.
Why Choose Rocky Mountain Financial Services?
Our accomplished team brings together a rich blend of experience, expertise, and resources to adeptly address the financial hurdles encountered. Through providing impartial, objective guidance, we enable you to make astute financial choices, free from the influence of emotional biases.
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